
Friday, December 27, 2013

Oishi came to one of our STEMinism events - IT's not just for the boys! Find out what she got out of the day and why you should attend!

Since, from the very first day, I prepared for the event by going through the website, to find out more about the event. 
I went through it in detail to find out what activities and sessions will take place and done research on the companies, which are coming for the event and the kind of roles they offers. I prepared myself in every possible ways for the big day and made a list of questions that I will be asking to the recruiters.

On the day itself, my favourite session was the ‘skills session’ and ‘insider insight’ where I got the opportunity to directly interact with the recruiters. I chatted with the recruiters about application selection process, about the skills require to succeed and many more. The recruiters gave valuable advices and suggestions, in order to stand out from a crowd.

The best piece of advice that I learned from the event was to shine and not to hide away! The inspirational talk from Alexandra Watson, the guest speaker, motivates me to feel, that I have the potential to shine and not to hide away and that can be done only by hard work.   

For other students thinking attending, I will say that the day is going to be very rewarding and this is the opportunity to network with the recruiters. I will suggest them to be prepared beforehand and to do research about the companies participating and the roles they offer. It is very prudent to take part in events like this, where one will get the chance to gain the insight of selection process and I feel I had made the most of the day.

Thinking of giving it a go? We have STEMinism presents Vodafone in February and another IT's not just for the boys! in March! Apply now!

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