
Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Eight essential items to take with you to your new job

Starting a new job can be both exciting and daunting. Your first day enables you to get a better understanding of what’s to come within your new role.

To take the pressure off, we have produced a list of all the things you should take on your first day at your new job. 

1.       Bank details

Your new company will require this information so they know where to send your wages. It is important that you consider which bank account is best for this, so you can keep track of your earnings.

2.       P45

On your first day, you will be asked for your P45. A P45 is a record of how much tax you have paid on your salary so far. You receive a P45 from your previous role at the end of employment. Your new company will need this information to send off to HMRC so they can calculate how much to tax you each month. If you don’t have a P45, don’t panic. You can fill in a P46 which will be used to calculate how much you will be taxed based on your earnings.

3.       National Insurance Card

Your new employer will need your national insurance number to ensure you are eligible to work in the UK. It is also used to calculate your tax and national insurance contributions.

4.       Identification

The majority of companies will ask you for proof of ID when you start a new position. This is to prove you are who you say you are. A driving licence or passport is acceptable but you need to ensure they are in date.

5.       Proof of address

This isn’t a requirement from all companies. It depends on the size of the organisation that you work for. You may be asked for proof of address to prove you live where you say you live. Bring a bank statement, utility bill or any letter which has your name and address clearly displayed on it.

6.       Notepad

This may not seem essential. However, you will be expected to remember a vast amount of information throughout your first week. If you bring your own notepad you look ready for the tasks ahead and you can take note of everything you might be likely to forget.

7.       Strategy ideas

Regardless of what role you are about to step into, it is always good to have a strategy whether that is bullet points of what you want to achieve, ideas for your new job or even a to-do list.

8.       Enthusiasm

Go into your new role with excitement and enthusiasm. Expect the unexpected and try and enjoy every minute of it. Being enthusiastic about your new career will help you work better and show your employers that you are eager and ready to do your job.

For more helpful career advice visit

By Roxanne Chand

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